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Batman bin Suparman jailed after he turns out to be a villain

With a name like Batman bin Suparman you would have expected this guy to stay on the right side of the law.

Batman bin Suparman did not live up to his heroic name (Picture: Facebook) 

But in an ironic twist the Dark Knight’s namesake turned out to be a criminal who’s now been jailed in Singapore for his villainous ways.
Mr Suparman was jailed for 33 months for his criminal actions, which included stealing his brother’s bank card and using heroin.

The 23-year-old had been given the opportunity to use his unique name as a force for good after his supporters set up a Facebook account celebrating his title.
His fans made him a symbol they could rally behind when his identification, which reads Batman bin (son of) Suparman, was revealed.
Twitter user Gino Quillamor used a famous line from the Dark Knight movie to express his disappointment at Mr Suparman being jailed.
‘You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain,’ he wrote.
But others doubt a man with the name of two superheroes can be contained.
Mohamed Madi added: ‘What jail can possibly hold Batman bin-Suparman?’