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Ryse: Son of Rome Combat Questions

It’s hard to not get excited about something that looks so cool. Ryse: Son of Rome has been a hot topic since E3 of this year. I’m still stunned that it’s coming launch day. The XBOne title looks so ambitious. The detailed levels, the sound, both seem to be stellar. We shouldn’t expect anything less from Crytek on that front. My concern is within the combat. Being heavily criticized of incorporating Quick time events in live battles, the company has a lot to prove. We have seen plenty of games feature premium visuals, and that’s only going to be more prevalent in the future. The one thing that brings us back to the fight is the gameplay. It has to be polished plain and simple. It looks as if Ryse will fight like Batman/Assassin’s Creed at times.
Notice the way lead character Marius Titus, shifts back and forth between enemies. We know that the game will reward you for timing parries properly, opening up enemies for your barrage. Maybe they were trying to show gamers that fighting will be more of a challenge than most games. I say this because there were plenty of botched moves where the player controlling titus missed with his sword strikes, or was hit on many occasions (as seen in the video above). I hope that is  human error and not because of shoddy game design.Are the Controls pick up and play? Companies presenting their games, tend to make their lead characters look indestructible. After all, you have a brand to promote, so make it look good. Right?

Will heads roll?


There are 100 executions in the game. What stood out were the options within the QTE’s. Marius stabbed a man in the chest slow-mo style, he could follow it up with different options. QTE overkill? Depending on how the dieing enemy glows, the death move will change. If he glows Blue press the X button. If he glows yellow, it’s the Y button. There will be environmental executions as well. I look forward to sending perpetrators into various traps. Let’s hope that it remains fresh throughout the campaign, and in arena modes.
I have yet to see head decapitations. The speed in which he swings his sword at barbarian throats, heads need to roll. Marius is clearly seen chopping off legs and arms in other animations. Maybe they are saving it for the final build. Crytek is shooting for realism. Right? It doesn’t get any realer than that. Will the sword combat get stale? Visuals are only going to take us so far. With this character truly having only one main weapon, it leaves room for concern. We could play an Arkham City challenge mission now, no questions asked. Why? City’s combat had an amazing level of depth. There were other playable characters, each with completely different attack patterns. Hopefully these guys are keeping some major animations and other primary weapons under-wraps. Can the Son of Rome Rise on the 22nd. We want him to.