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Idris Elba Will Try To Stop Terrorists In Bastille Day

You’ve seen lovers come together on Valentine’s Day, Bill Murray’s life loop around itself inGroundhog Day, and sorority girls get slashed in Black Christmas. And now comes the day of remembrance movie you’ve all been waiting for: Bastille Day. Okay, so it’s more of a terrorist thriller than it is a holiday extravaganza, but we’re still pretty excited, because Idris Elba will be sitting at the head of the table having signed on to lead the film, which comes to us from Vendome Pictures and Anonymous Content. 

In Bastille Day, a young American boy is the prime suspect for an attack that took place on the Paris metro, and it is the duty of a U.S. operative (presumably Elba) to interrogate the kid before eventually making him "disappear," as to avoid shaming the U.S. government. But while the boy is in custody, several more attacks occur, proving his innocence. The operative’s task is made even more troublesome when he realizes the boy may be their only link to the person actually causing the attacks. It sounds like one of the more interesting arcs on 24, and if we can’t get Jack Bauer for the job, any Elba character is more than welcome to save the day. 

Luckily, Bastille Day sounds like a smart thriller, rather than something Hollywood farted out after a weekend drunkfest. Variety reports the screenplay was written by Andrew Baldwin, whose as-yet-unproduced scripts include the Logan’s Run remake, and Takashi Miike’s WWII yakuza film The Outsider, with Tom Hardy set to star. 

The Golden Globe-winning Elba is as proficient as any when it comes to balancing big budget spectacles with meatier character work. In this year alone, Elba starred in the bombastic Pacific Rim and the recently released Thor: The Dark World, as well as the third season of the excellent BBC detective series Luther and Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, which will get a limited release at the end of this month. The latter film has Oscar buzz long-walking all over it, so who knows where his career will take him after that. 

Even his upcoming film slate is exemplary of his work ethic. He’s got Pierre Morel’s high-profile action drama The Gunman currently filming with Sean Penn and Javier Bardem, and he’s rumored to star in Jurassic World. In contrast, he’s starring in Debbie Tucker Green’s struggling family drama Second Coming and Sam Miller’s stranger danger thriller No Good Deed. The only thing Elba really hasn’t proven himself in is a big goofy slapstick comedy. And we’re perfectly fine with that. 

Check out the trailer for Luther
’s third season, and get to watching it if you haven’t yet. And remember, there are only 245 more days of shopping until next year’s Bastille Day.