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The Top 10 Prankster Channels on YouTube

Subscribers: 2,423,212
Video Views: 373,372,775
Video with Most Views: “Girlfriend Caught Cheating Prank
Views: 13,557,346
This girl bought an entire outfit for her fake boyfriend, a disembodied mannequin head, to fool her boyfriend when he came home.
Subscribers: 2,178,725
Video Views: 1,049,062,168
Video with Most Views: “Mario Kart
Views: 52,214,401
A grown man dressed like a Mario brother riding a Go Kart in the street. Watch out for the banana peel!
Subscribers: 2,144,295
Video Views: 942,023,100
Video with Most Views: “Sexy Bikini Nun
Views: 58,944,333
A woman performs the world’s most disappointing striptease in front of unsuspecting park visitors.
Subscribers:  1,434,376
Video Views: 152,622,865
Video with Most Views: “Drive Thru Invisible Prank
Views: 31,930,496
Best halloween costume idea ever! A man dressed like a car seat goes for a spin through the car wash.
Subscribers:  1,235,460
Video Views: 280,683,506
Video with Most Views: “Frozen Grand Central
Views: 32,640,977
With 207 participants, even jaded New Yorkers had to stop and stare at this group prank in busy Grand Central station.
Subscribers:  909,999
Video Views: 138,813,025
Video with Most Views: “Cops Get Owned!!! Epic Pee Prank
Views: 12,886,589
Police officers get pranked by a guy holding a strategically placed water bottle.
Subscribers:  771,794
Video Views: 107,544,636
Video with Most Views: “Miami Zombie Attack Prank
Views: 20,716,789
A zombie terrorizes a Florida parking lot. Creator’s note: don’t try this at home.
Subscribers:  721,460
Video Views: 245,405,687
Video with Most Views**: “Black Friday Shopping Prank
Views: 4,704,464
Watch YouTubers Greg and Ryan make their way through an unusual shopping list.
**This is most viewed prank video on channel which also does sketches, according to YouTube.
Subscribers:  501,942
Video Views: 116,656,629
Video with Most Views: “Farting in an Elevator 4
Views: 2,991,635
As the title of the video suggests, there are plenty more farts where this came from.
Subscribers: 488,313
Views: 65,487,898
Video with Most Views: “Holding People’s Hands
Views:  6,702, 845
The only reactions more hilarious than the ones from the people who didn’t want to hold hands were the ones from the people who did.