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Is this the start of the British Watchmen? After Northampton Clown comes the Green Lady of Northfield

The emergence of a mysterious woman dressed in green in Birmingham has raised questions as to whether a British version of the Watchmen could be being formed.

The Green Lady of Northfield: Her powers include being able to read through a morphsuit (Picture: Rachael Morgan)

The morphsuit-clad figure has already been labelled the Green Lady of Northfield by residents, who are split 50-50 between regarding her as a symbol of hope or menace.
The emerald enigma has been spotted at several high profile locations, either nonchalantly reading a book at a bus station or wearing a top hat outside a supermarket.
 The Green Lady of Northfield has been known to accessorise (Picture: Katie Davis)
Despite happily posing for photographs, some of which were shared via the B31 Voices website, the secrecy-shrouded woman has refused to answer questions about her motives.
Councillor Randal Brew told the Birmingham Mail: ‘I get around the area quite a bit, but she’s obviously been hiding from me.
‘I shall go hunting for her now!’
The Northampton Clown caused a stir in the East Midlands (Picture: Facebook/Spot Northampton’s Clown)

The Green Lady’s emergence comes after the Northampton Clown shot to prominence.
Before he was unmasked, Alex Powell had terrorised and enthralled residents in equal measure by appearing around the town dressed as Pennywise from Stephen King’s It.