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Married to the mob: Dancers, a band and choir – she said ‘yes’ in a flash

For most men it’s enough to go down on bended knee to secure their sweetheart’s hand in marriage.

But romantic Lee Vernon hired a choir, dance troupe and marching band to pop the question in a flash mob routine that took six weeks to plan.
His model girlfriend Sophie Shimwell says she had ‘no idea’ what was happening when strangers started serenading the couple in Nottingham city centre.
Flashy proposal: Lee Vernon prepares to pop the question, with the help of a dance troupe and band (Picture: Caters)
As people started dancing and a band marched in to the city’s Market Square, Lee, 20, dropped to one knee, pulled an engagement ring from his pocket and asked the 19-year-old: ‘Will you marry me?’
‘It was amazing,’ said Ms Shimwell. ‘Of course, I said yes, after that who wouldn’t say yes?’
Café owner Mr Vernon said: ‘I was nervous, but guess I did enough to persuade her to say yes.’